I think more people posted comments to this blog in one day than have done so at the Keenspot forum in a year. That forum is pretty dead, has been for a while, so I'm wondering if it's even worth keeping. Since no one ever posts there, it gives the impression that YDK isn't that popular, but there's no correlation between the two. There are strips that don't have half the readership but hundreds of forum users. Can't I just use this? Or...something? Thoughts?
I think that it depends on how often you're going to post on this blog. If often, then I'd say yes, you could drop the forum. As for the correlation between readership and forum use, I know there are webcomic forums where the readers seem to enjoy posting comments among themselves, but speaking for myself the only time forums interest me is when the cartoonist also posts regularly.
A chance to communicate with the mind that created the work, I guess. Was this more of an answer than you were looking for?
I read several comics and never post in the forums. I very rarely even read the forums for the comics I do read. I like blogs better and am more likely to comment because there can be a more directed conversation. It would be great to see some background information or commentary on the comics in here which we could comment on. Or, of course, anything else that you find interesting. Anyway, I'm inclined to think that you do not need a forum.
Yep, the blog thing.
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