Monday, April 10, 2006

CD Explosion

Wow. This really happens.

My son and I were re-installing an old copy of Midtown Madness 2 and we heard a loud bang. Couldn't get the door back open, so I took it apart and the CD was in at least one hundred pieces. I hadn't heard about this happening before so I figured he put the CD in wrong, but then it occurred to me that the thing had started to install so it had to be in correctly. After a little research we found out this really happens. Exploding CD's. Wow.

The unit itself doesn't seem to be damaged, although I haven't tried to write anything on it. Huh.

I think though at some point I may have said to him "You must have put the CD in wrong. CD's just don't explode for no reason." Well, yes they do. He was relieved when I told him that. Dad was wrong...sorry.


Raymond Betancourt said...

I don't know if you've seen the show MythBusters, but they did a segment on this CD thing (apparently there were rumours about this happening before).

Supposedly, they were unable to get the CD to shatter without using some type of high revving motor, but it sounds like this myth wasn't really busted after all.

Owen Dunne said...


Enter "exploding discs" in the search box.