I've scrapped plans for the Banion radio show...because instead I'm working on a Banion animated short. I got my hands on some animation software and decided to give it a go. Yeah, I know everyone is doing flash but I don't have the time to learn it properly to do what I want to do, so we're going to do it old school. I was inspired watching old "Dick Tracy" cartoons - remember those? "Dick Tracy calling Joe Jitzu!" Each episode will contain a little tag at the end, a visit with "The Banion Jr. Detective Gang." For those who need to catch up, it's based on the Banion character that appeared in the original Beevnicks. Actually, I haven't read through the Beevnicks archives since they originally came out. I have a horrible memory when it comes to stuff I've written, so when I go back to read it after a few years it's like it's all new new to me. And I really liked some of that old Beevnick stuff. Some of it was kind of out there - storylines that got silly and such, but I think they are some of the best characters I've written. Oh well, maybe...(Ah, the curse of the Gemini. Make up your mind, man!)
Anyway, updating four different comics while starting an animation project, plus some music stuff I've got going on, can lead to no sleep and some weird health fallouts. I'm trying to organize my time better but it's not easy. (And of course there's that big YDK thing over at Fox, like you know, no stress there.)
Speaking of YDK, there will be a Sunday color strip that you won't want to miss. Suppose Jesus wanted to get out of the crucifixion thing, but he didn't want it to appear like that was what he was doing? Would there have been a way? Look for some religious imagery that will burn your corneas. Of course, it's always nice that the Catholics are a titch more tolerant than certain other fanatics when it comes to my depictions of the Gang Upstairs, otherwise yours truly would surely be hanging from the nearest lamppost probably missing a limb or two and headless to boot. Ah, but what price art?
And just as I type that a roll of thunder in the middle of a snowstorm. Time to go.